
Operating System

Linux is kernel but is also common name for Unix-like operating systems like GNU/Linux which uses GNU utilities and is by far the most popular way of using Linux kernel, there is also busybox/Linux which uses lightweight busybox utils that are just single binary file, popular OS designed for containers called Alpine Linux uses busybox and musl libc in attempt to be as minimal as possible, Android operating system is heavily modified version of busybox/Linux. Notable Linux distributions are: Arch Linux - GNU/Linux, independent (not based on anything), uses systemd init system but thanks to Artix Linux which is fork that makes it easier to use other init systems with Arch specific tools you can use other init systems with ease, mostly used among experienced Linux users for its KISS (Keep it simple, stupid!) principle, base install doesn’t come with DE but you can install any DE or WM (window manager) you like through its package manager called pacman, AUR (Arch User Repository) or manually. Ubuntu - GNU/Linux, based on Debian, uses apt package manager, GNOME DE (desktop enviroment), systemd init system, made by Canonical Ltd., has multiple flavors that use different DEs like KDE, LXQT, XFCE and many more.

Windows Windows is by far the most popular desktop operating system’s family. The most iconic versions are:

Windows XP - known for being lightweight

Windows 7 - still used in many PC althogh being EOL (End Of Life), meaning it don’t recive any updates

MS DOS - minimal and bloat free Compatible with text based programs

Windows 98 and 95 - old but gold